So I will be coming from camp tomorrow! (yay!) With that being said, I have my last guest post of this week by Mo from Ollivander Mo! Today she's touching on what it's like to be naturally tan, like me! Whether you want to get tanner or use that whitening soap your mom gave you, I hope you enjoy this post and learn something from it!
Hey, everyone! It's Mo from
Ollivander Mo! Like Kriselle, I'm Filipino. Being Filipino, I'm just naturally "tan." In fact, saying I'm "tan" would be an understatement. I, like many other Asians, don't really like how easily I tan from the sun. While most girls my age are going out of their way get more color from the sun, I'm doing literally the opposite. I'm going out of my way to ensure that I don't get any darker...which, might I add, is extremely hard because sometimes I get darker just from walking to my car (especially here in Arizona).
For those of you wishing you had my skin-color, keep in mind that the color I am is me at my lightest after years of making conscious effort not to get darker. For those of you who understand MAC foundation shades I'm currently an NC43. Their darkest shade available is NC55 I believe. Again, keep in mind that this is me at my
lightest. Sigh.
So, for those wondering how an anti-tanner takes care of her skin (aside from the face), here are the top four products that I use!
Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Lotion Sunscreen SPF 50
This stuff smells amazing. It smells like summer and coconuts. I try to wear high SPF sunscreen on a daily basis because I need all the help I can get to keep the color away. Sunscreen is one of those things that everyone knows you're wearing because they can totally smell it on you. No one wants to be sitting through the school or work day smelling like sunscreen. Luckily, this stuff smells (and feels) more like regular lotion than sunscreen. Only with the benefits of SPF 50. Yes.
Japanese Wash Cloths
These are
much more rough than your average "loofa." It comes in a long strip of "cloth" that's particularly rough making it great for exfoliating. Exfoliating is one of the best ways to brighten up your skin. It removes the dead skin cells that have been fried by the sun and reveals new, bright skin beneath it. If you're used to regular loofas, the Japanese wash cloth will probably actually
hurt at first. This is pretty normal. Over time, you'll get used to the roughness.
Skin Whitening Papaya Soap
I usually use Likas brand because it's what my mom gets from family in the Philippines. Out of all the skin whitening methods, I feel safest using Papaya soap because it's one of the more gentle solutions. I've heard horror stories of women using skin whitening and bleaching products and essentially just ruining their skin completely, so I never go with anything too harsh. It's something you see results with over time, but because I don't always use it consistently, it mostly just helps me maintain my current color. Mostly what I do is wrap it with the Japanese wash cloth and scrub my body (mostly my arms) with this stuff. It helps to even out the skin tone and a blemishes on your skin. It also really helps with things like dark elbows and knees. The one downside to this soap is that it can be extremely drying. If you were to wash up with this stuff, your skin would start feeling tight before you even got out of the shower.
Lush Cosmetics Buffy Bar
Being that the papaya soap is really drying, I love using the Buffy Bar from Lush to moisturize back up. It has grains, sands and other things in there that help to further exfoliate the skin. It's basically a lotion bar with a scrub built in. The way you use it is you get in the shower and after washing up you rub this all over your wet skin. The grains will stick of course so you'll be required to rinse everything off. Because it's a lotion bar you use in the shower, your skin drinks it up! Just wait. You'll get out of the shower and be silk smooth, soft and moisturized!
BONUS PRODUCT: This doesn't really count as skincare, but it helps me avoid a tan: a Cardigan! I wear cardigans year round to avoid the sun. Is that sad? Lol.
How do you feel about tanning/your current skintone? What do you do to get the skintone you want?

Mo Olivas from Ollivander Mo is a Social Media and Reputation coordinator, Freelance Digital producer, designer & consultant and a Creative lifestyle blogger and YouTuber. Connect with her on
Facebook and her
Ollivander Mo is a creative resource and its mission is to create, make it great, make it magical AND to inspire others to do the same. She believes in magic, creativity and fun!