I am Livin' and Lovin' life.
I am a Filipino-American, Southern California native now living in Sydney, Australia. I am a recent college graduate just enjoying post grad livin' and exploring the world around me! I enjoy food, planners, cute clothes, cheap things, donuts, nice eyebrows, and more food (especially donuts).
The biggest thing in my life that defines me is my faith. I believe in a God who is good and faithful. I try to live out my faith and have people see me for who I really am, and not the negative stereotypes that they may have about Christianity. If you yourself are not a Christian or believer in any kind of higher power, please don't let my faith scare you away. I want to love and care for others the way Jesus did, but I also will not sacrifice my faith to please everyone. I am still far from perfect and am even still figuring out different aspects about my faith and what I believe in, and I invite you to join this journey with me.
Another thing about me, I am recently married to my long-time boyfriend of 6 years :)
We have been together for over 6 years. We have been through so many ups and downs, some things that most people never have to go through, and I plan to share bits and pieces of our story throughout the blog. We have broken up, gotten together again, said some pretty mean things to each other, celebrated each other graduating high school & college, done long distance, and now we are married and living in another country together.
We are also total opposites! I'm super extroverted and love being around people; he is very introverted and is okay with being alone for long periods of time. He loves hip hop; I love alternative rock (think Paramore or All Time Low) music. He is super picky and isn't super adventurous with food (he doesn't like seafood, many different types of Asian food, and lots of vegetables), while I, on the other hand, like to be adventurous with my food as much as possible & have very few things that I don't like. If I don't like it, it's most likely a type of Filipino food that many people would find "weird" (pig blood stew, anyone?). We are the definition of "opposites attract."
Life has been so crazy but so much fun with Darell. Every day is always something new; it is never just a normal boring day with him. Even the mundane is fun with him, and I am so happy to be doing life with him for the rest of my life. More on our love story & how we got started here.
I started this blog a few years ago as an aspiring journalist who wanted to record her thoughts and have a place to display her portfolio. This blog was once Through the Eyes of a Cali Girl, which reflected my opinion and my worldview as a native Southern Californian. In late October 2013, this blog made the huge change of becoming the Livin' and Lovin' Blog. The name is a reflection of my motto, which is to live and love life better. I like to write about anything--fashion, beauty, marriage/relationships, faith, and everything else in between, even hard topics like race. In the last year I've had this blog on the back burner due to many changes happening in my life, but I hope that with this relaunch that I will once again be able to share my life, my heart, and my story with you!
I think that's all you need to know for now. If I think of anything else, I'll add on to this. Until then, my blog is yours to explore! If I'm not here, catch me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Chau for now♥
The biggest thing in my life that defines me is my faith. I believe in a God who is good and faithful. I try to live out my faith and have people see me for who I really am, and not the negative stereotypes that they may have about Christianity. If you yourself are not a Christian or believer in any kind of higher power, please don't let my faith scare you away. I want to love and care for others the way Jesus did, but I also will not sacrifice my faith to please everyone. I am still far from perfect and am even still figuring out different aspects about my faith and what I believe in, and I invite you to join this journey with me.

We have been together for over 6 years. We have been through so many ups and downs, some things that most people never have to go through, and I plan to share bits and pieces of our story throughout the blog. We have broken up, gotten together again, said some pretty mean things to each other, celebrated each other graduating high school & college, done long distance, and now we are married and living in another country together.
We are also total opposites! I'm super extroverted and love being around people; he is very introverted and is okay with being alone for long periods of time. He loves hip hop; I love alternative rock (think Paramore or All Time Low) music. He is super picky and isn't super adventurous with food (he doesn't like seafood, many different types of Asian food, and lots of vegetables), while I, on the other hand, like to be adventurous with my food as much as possible & have very few things that I don't like. If I don't like it, it's most likely a type of Filipino food that many people would find "weird" (pig blood stew, anyone?). We are the definition of "opposites attract."
Life has been so crazy but so much fun with Darell. Every day is always something new; it is never just a normal boring day with him. Even the mundane is fun with him, and I am so happy to be doing life with him for the rest of my life. More on our love story & how we got started here.
I think that's all you need to know for now. If I think of anything else, I'll add on to this. Until then, my blog is yours to explore! If I'm not here, catch me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Chau for now♥